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Speech, Hearing and Vision




  • What is the Screening Program?

This program is comprised of a series of comprehensive screenings that are designed to identify high-risk candidates for potential speech, hearing, language and/or visual problems. 


Our professional screenings include:

  • Speech and Language Screenings:  The child’s speech is carefully screened using standardized tests, which measure the ability to produce common vowel and consonant sounds.  An informal language sample is taken to note grammar, syntax, and pragmatic abilities.  The results of the tests are compared to recent norms and determination is made of whether the child is functioning within normal limits for their age.


  • Hearing Screenings:  A pure tone air conduction audiometry is administered to determine the level of hearing acuity.  Both ears are tested at sound levels ranging from 750 to 8000 Hertz.


  • Vision Screenings:  We screen a child’s vision using advanced telebinocular equipment.  Vision screenings include tests for visual acuity (far and near point), depth perception, color perception, as well as lateral and vertical phoria muscle performance.


  • Who is Involved in the Screening Program


Screenings can be scheduled by appointment by calling our Center.  We also screen private and parochial schools in our area.  Children from three years of age through high school benefit from this comprehensive screening program. 


  • How does it work?


Our staff works directly with private schools locally offering this service.  Individuals may schedule these screenings in our Center by calling our Scheduler.


Our follow up program includes sending a summary of the results to the school, to the child’s physician for their records, and contacting the parent(s) either by mail or directly through the telephone to discuss the results.


  • What are the goals of the Screening Program?


Our speech, hearing, and vision Screening Program is specifically designed to detect potential problems, which can interfere with a child’s academic and/or social performance. 

Thanks for submitting!

10725 SW 104 Street
Miami, Fl 33176

305-274-7883 |

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